The Chinese War against America and the West has accelerated in earnest with Sino-MENA Nations. By Tim Brian Tufuga

The Chinese War against America and the West has accelerated in earnest with Sino-MENA Nations (Middle Eastern and Noth African Nations) has accelerated with the Belt and Road Initiative within many Middle Eastern Nations, in partioular the Saudi Arabian Oil currency moving away from the American Dollar to the Chinese Renminbi currency, to infrastructural development of road systems, to nuclear reactor infrastructures for the United Arab Emirates Nation, and the billions worth of infratructural developments throughout North Africa and Middle Eastern Nations. This includes the Russian Government's construction of a Naval Port in Sudan, which sparked a local civil war, initiated with the help of the US CIA. The Chinese and Russian's robust infrastructural investment within MENA, including Egypt and Libya as well as Sudan, in United Arab Emirates, and especially within Saudi Arabia include computer, digital, and telecommunication infrstructural development all aimed to replace Wes...