Samoa not invited into Talisman Saber. Samoa without a Military branch of Government is permanently pacified and a Vassal of the Tongan Kingdom.


The British Government via its Colonial outpost of New Zealand, had invaded Samoa in 1914. After Samoa had attained their Independence in 1962, Samoa was denied a military branch of Govenrment.

The New Zealand Government had drafted the Samoan Constitution ensuring that not only would Samoa be PACIFIED Samoa would be denied a military branch in perpetuity. Indoing so, the Kingdom of Tonga would be considered the Titular military power of the United Polynesian race.

The British had ensured that Samoa would never become a Kingdom, and would gaslight the Vassal status of the Samoan Princedom, under the Titular status of the Tongan Kingdom.

During the Talisman Saber, the Asia Pacific Nations military powers are represented in the Talisman Saber, which would exclude the presumably SMALLER Pacific Island Nations, including Samoa from participating unless represented by New Zealand, Australia and the United States of America and TONGA. Why Tonga? Tonga is the ONLY POLYNESIAN KINGDOM as recognised by the Europeans and especially amongst the military circles.

Tim Brian Tufuga Tim Tufuga


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