The Chinese War against America and the West has accelerated in earnest with Sino-MENA Nations. By Tim Brian Tufuga

The Chinese War against America and the West has accelerated in earnest with Sino-MENA Nations (Middle Eastern and Noth African Nations) has accelerated with the Belt and Road Initiative within many Middle Eastern Nations, in partioular the Saudi Arabian Oil currency moving away from the American Dollar to the Chinese Renminbi currency, to infrastructural development of road systems, to nuclear reactor infrastructures for the United Arab Emirates Nation, and the billions worth of infratructural developments throughout North Africa and Middle Eastern Nations. This includes the Russian Government's construction of a Naval Port in Sudan, which sparked a local civil war, initiated with the help of the US CIA.

The Chinese and Russian's robust infrastructural investment within MENA, including Egypt and Libya as well as Sudan, in United Arab Emirates, and especially within Saudi Arabia include computer, digital, and telecommunication infrstructural development all aimed to replace Western systems with more affordable Chinese alternative digital technology and infrastructural investment in domestic economies.
The Americans in response will initiate coup d'etat and political and economic disruption or the CORD program to disrupt any Chinese and Russian cultural and economic investment within the MENA region. The conflict in Sudan, is an example of the devious antics of the American CIA and plying the very corrupt grubby hands of War Lords eager to ply their trade in warfighting and to profit from their trade with American Weapons and funds to purchase more weapons and munitions.
The Afghanistan Taliban attacks along the Iranian border over scarce water resources, again, another coercive CIA CORD Program, aimed at disrupting the Iranian economic and geopolitical aims to aid and assist the Russian Drone supplylines as well as moving to join BRICS.
In the meantime, it is becoming very apparent that the EU and especially American Hegemony has accelerated the demise of American Global sphere of influence thanks to the Ukrainian war, the Russian sanctions and the war on China, which has allowed BRICS, Russia and China to gain more friends and allies away from the EU and North American sphere of influence.
In conclusion, Russian political influence in Sudan was part of the BRICS regional influence in MENA, China provided the material and capitol for regional development within MENA. In response, America initiates disruptive political and military coercian through any opposition political and military power, albeit in Ukraine in 2014, with the Neo Nazis initiating a Coup d'etat, or with any opposition war lord in African Nations, such as Sudan, and especially since the incumbent Sudanese Government had brokered a deal with the Russians to build a Russian Naval base in Sudan.


In Samoan Politics, we see a very similar situation with the Samoan HRPP moving closer to China with the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative, then known as part of the Strings of Pearls program, which was then amended, and the FAST Govenrment was elected under very controversial circimstances which was a dubious Ballot count for a mere 120,000 voters which had dragged on for three months of recounting and Disputed of returns court of appeal for dubious election results. Again, external influences were to play an important part in the ousting of the HRPP Government and the Chinese factor was a major variable.
In recent days, the Chinese Government had chosen Samoa as a destination for the Asia Pacific extension of the Belt and Road Initiative noting that the Samoan HRPP Government were willing to accept the Belt and Road Initiatives to improve Samoan infrastructural development and to move away from the Anglo American spheres of influence within New Zealand, Australia and the United States of America with local Pacific Islander decolonisation transitional processes.
Overwhelmingly, in military geo political terms, the Anglo American Pacific Region is presenting an overstretched ambition for the Chinese Miltiary Blue Water expansion, however, Samoa, was considered an ideal strategic target for the Chinese in brokering a Friendly Port of Call for the Chinese Blue Water Fleet. This Fleet will include a up to Four Chinese Aircraft Carrier Task Force, escorted by six or so Type 052D and Type 055 Destroyers, as well as Type 095 SSN Submarine as escorts to reach as far as Samoa to replenish their supplies as they move further to BRICS allies in South America, with Argentina, Venezuela and Brazil, via the Pacific Ocean, as an alternative from the Horn of South Africa and the African Continent.
In the meantime, the US CORD civilian geopolitical and military covert actions seems to be the modus operandi by the CIA in order to undermine any geopolitical intentions by MENA and Pacific Island Nations in moving closer to BRICS Nations. This is evident with Sudan, and soon Iran, and the 2016 Turkish Coup d'etat failure, and more recently the Imran Khan overthrow, are all likely CIA initiated CORDS programs. Ukraine is a direct Neo Nazi CIA initiated CORD Program which is now costing America Billions in Military aid to Ukraine as well as costing the American Global Hegemony well and truly.
At the apex of the Groupthink disaster for the American Hegemony is MENA whereby Saudi Arabia, America's most trusted ally for a century, has turned against America and the American Dollar which is symptomatic of the end of American Hegemony within MENA and the unprecedented nascent rise and rise of China and Russia within MENA.


Al Monitor, May, 2023,


Institute for Security and Development Policy, Stunkel, L,


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