Sino-Samoan relations bolstered with Chinese tourism arrivals with a direct Chinese Airlines to Samoa in May, 2023.

 A geo-political ploy as well as an important economic boast for the Samoan economy.

Over 200 Chinese Tourists arrive in Samoa. 

(Samoa Global News)

The Sino-Samoan relations are bolstered with a direct flight between China to Samoa in a bid to bridge the cultural geo political divide between Samoa and China.
In a likely boast to China's blue water reach it is imperative that the Samoan bilateral relations are bolstered through cultural and economic relations.
As part of the Chinese Belt and Road initiative would also encompass cultural and economic relations to aid Samoa. China has bent over backwards to accomdate what Samoans need most. Tourism dollars.
By the look in the eyes of the Chinese visitors it seems a rather cultural shock reaching out to a culture that is considered very different from the Chinese historical cultural traditions, but, similarly to European cultural shock visiting the new world and colonising them, it was also a cultural shocking experience as well.
Needless to say, as a trade off for closer economic relations between China and Samoa, Samoa is China's only friend in the South Pacific,
Samoa is highly valued for Chinese foothold in the Pacific Ocean an Ocean swarming with American Virginia Class Attack Submarines like White Pointer Sharks circling the waters hunting Chinese Warships. Samoa is China's only lifeboat in the Blue Water sphere in the Pacific. Samoa is crucial for China and so, the 200 Chinese Tourists will inject some economic boast and to reach out to extend the Chinese friendship to the Samoans moving forward. Unfortunately, for Maoists, Samoans will not accept the Red Book too readily, theyre a pre industrialised communal subsistence laissez faire economy which has no relavance for Proletariat outrage against the landed Gentry. Samoans are all part of the Landed Gentry so Proletariatism is irrelavant to Samoan politics. But, for any Chinese Naval Vessels looking to replenish their water and recharging their lithium batteries, then Samoa will help the Chinese for a quid pro quo, of course.



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