A Conversation with Sir Angus Houston, Co-Lead of Australia's New Defence Strategic Review (DSR) Framework 2023.

Australian National Security Strategy review looks to upgrade the Australian Defense Force military procurement including HIMARS, Virginia Class SSN, and more warship construction. The Defense strategic Review (DSR). Long Range Strike Bombers, an investment in the B21 Raider for the RAAF. 

A great balancing act in keeping within Budget as well as meeting the Australian National Security objectives. 

In the background is the Sino-Australian relations, Indonesia, the South China Sea crisis, the Taiwan tensions, and the FONOPs. IndoPacific Relations, QUAD Plus and AUKUS.

Overall, the Australian Defensive Strategic Review appears to be an Off The Shelf Shopping list for what invariably is considered as dated military technology, except for the Raider B21 Strategic Bomber, which is easily surpassed by superior peer adversaries from the Chinese and Russians whose military capabilities in terms of missile technology is vastly superior than compared even to the Americans and other NATO military capabilities. 

In Naval Force strength for example, the Chinese Peoples Liberation Army Navy is now numerically larger than the US Naval Force, albeit, from a Litorral Green Water area of operation level. Still, the American and other NATO Naval Forces have a superior Blue Water Naval Force, only for the present moment. However, within the decade the Chinese Blue Water Fleet will soon surpass even the American Navy. More importantly, in terms of Chinese military spheres of influence, the most likely concentrated areas of operation will undoubtedly be focused within the Taiwan Strait, the Japanese Sea, and the Philippine Sea areas and the South China Sea areas, in terms of the Chinese Litorral concentration of Naval presence. Whereas, the Blue Water power projection will extend to the Chinese trade sea lanes from South China Sea, through to the Indian Ocean, Persian Gulf, the Pacific Ocean to South America and Atlantic to the African Continent and the Middle East. 

In terms of Blue Water allies in the Pacific Ocean, China will need allies and friendly ports, in which Samoa is considered the most freindly of all Chinese Pacific Island allies, after the Solomon Islands had at the last minute declined the establishment of a Chinese military port within Tulagi Island in 2022. 

Samoa remains China's only friendly Pacific Island Nation for the present moment in time. 

Tim Tufuga


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