The Ukrainian War has opened a Can of Worms reversing International Counter Terrorism Laws regarding Mercenary Armies, like the Al Qaeda Network and now the Ukrainian Foreign Legion.

I had been a postgraduate at Macquarie University undertaking my Masters degree in Policing, Intelligence and Counter Terrorism. My purview was studying Terrorism Organisations and in particular how the Post Communist World had led to the rise of the Islamic Jihadist movements culminating with the rise of the Al Qaeda Network, which culminated with the September 11,2001 World Trade Centre Nightmare. Understandably, the international Counter Terrorism laws formulated laws to outlaw the recruitment processes of radicalised Individuals compelled to join international militias such as the Al Qaeda Network and radicalised Islamic Groups throughout the world. The latest iteration of the Islamic militia renown throughout the world was the ISAL and ISIS. The Counter Terrorism laws throughout Western Nations were very strict which would include Australian Counter Terrorism Laws resulting in severe imprisonment terms for many Australians under Federal Laws.

In 2022, British Foreign Minister Liz Truss, opened a can of worms when she had announced a flip of the strict British Counter Terrorism Laws pertaining to Mercenaries being permitted to travel to another country to fight in other Nation's wars. Not dissimlar to the same Fedayeen recruitment process for the International Jihadist recruitment process for many radicalised Islamic Individuals travelling to the Middle East to join the Al Qaeda Network and ISIS either in Iraq, or recently, within Syria.

Before the Ukrainian War, PMCs were considered outlawed under counter terrorism laws. The ISIS and Al Qaeda network were sourced by Fedayeen from the Islamis world which prompted the outlaw of PMCs until the Ukrainian War when the International Legions completely reversed the former International Counter Terrorism laws. Now NATO and the EU are TWO FACED. The ISIS and AQ are now vindicated for their Mercenary recruitment networks. NATO has opened up a can of worms and now almost all Nations Counter Terrorism Laws have now been REPEALED because of the Ukrainian War.

Prigozhin's Wagner Group, Erik Prince's Blackwater (Academi) and other International Private Military Organisations and Private Military Companies, are not unlike the Al Qaeda Network and the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISAL), which had been criminalised under International Laws up until the Ukrainian War, were to become legitimised with the Ukrainian War. The creation of the Ukrainian Foreign Legion Mercenary Forces, in which many International Legion units were formulated would include Mercenaries from all over the world, including from South America, Japan, and other Asian Countries, Australia and New Zealand as well as from Europe. And most importantly, from NATO member Nations, the Mercenaries recruitment drive was to considered more pervasive than at any period since World War Two Partisan Volunteer Armies.

When British Foreign Minister Liz Truss announced the repealling of former British Counter Terrorism punitive laws, the entire British punitive counter terrorism indictments against British ISIS Fedayeen Recruits and Fighters imprisoned within Britain and in other Black sites, like Gitmo, in Cuba, were to be challenged under this policy reversal. A Counter Terrorism debacle and can of worms has since been opened which will now lead to many appeals by current inmates within the British and even Australian prisons, under Counter Terrorism laws, today.

Tim Tufuga. 


ISIS, Wikipedia,

Gravitas, World Is One Network,  WION,


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