FONOPS tensions in South China Sea: Chinese Coast Guard Blasts Philippine Boats With Water Cannons | WSJ News By Tim Tufuga

Regional tensions escalate as Philippino Coast Guard vessels attempt to exercise FONOPS onto claimed Chinese Territories are waterbombed by the Chinese CoastGuard Ships.
Meanwhile, the Philippino Navy and Australian Navy vessels observe tempte to react to the DIRECT aggressive actions by the Chinese Coast Guard towards FONOPS Vessels from the Philippines.
The World await the spark and cassus Belli to ignite World War Three in either Ukraine, whereby Chinese VT 4 Tanks some 100 of them have been delivered to the Russians along with 500 ZBL09 IFVs, to augment the Russian armoury within the Donbass Russian Defensive line.
As well as, the escalatng tensions within Venezuela, whereby the Monroe Doctrine is being incited by the Venezuelans over the 1899 ratification by the US Government to secede former Venezuelan land, Esequibo, to the British Colonialists, claimed Britith Guyana, igniting regional tensions within South America.
Finally, the Israeli Conflict has been ignited by yet another decision made by the British, the Balfour Declaration of 1917, creating the Palestine State, which was created specifically to give the Jews a homeland. The Local Arab Tribes simply called themselves Palestinians since 1917, ignoring Bafour's primary reason for creating the Palestinian State as the Jewish home State. In 1946, Zionists, led by Ben Gurion, led a Jewish movement to realise their home State, after the Holocaust and UN resolution to create a Jewish State, the Zionists cited the Balfour Declaration of 1917, to legitimaise their claims in creating the State of Israel. The Arabs who have now claimed to be Palestinians and now Jewish Palestinaians, have resented the arrivals and subsequent Nakba conflict between the Zionists and the Arabs within Palestine, would then be forced to co-exist as Palestinians and Israelis on May 14th, 1946. To this day, the tensions and conflicts have continued with the Arabs promising their own Nakba to drive the Israelis from the River Jordan to the Sea. The Slogan, From the River to the Sea, is the Nakba mantra recited by the Palestinian Arabs against the Jews in Palestine.
We await the escalation of tensions heading into the festive season.
On January 1st, 2024, BRICS Plus, will expand to include MENA Nations of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Ethiopia. Further isolating the Western Nationsa and especually America from the OPEC Oil producing Nations and the Fossil Fuel exporters to the world.
The Climate Change Summit at the UAE, the COP28, whereby Delegates had propised a COP Mission Objective to BAN FOSSIL FUEL as the platform to end global warming and carbon emissions and Climate Change in the future. OPEC Nations are at the specific target by the COP28 summit and the issue will be confirmed at the COP29 summit to be held in Aberzaijan in 2024. It appears that the Western led Climate Change summit are aiming to knee cap OPEC Global dominance and especially the future BRICS Plus members from 2024 onwards. Politics in Environmental politics turns Environmentalists into Political Eco Terrorists in the future.
2024 will usher in a world a lot worse for American and Western Hemisphere Hegemony as the pasoxysms escalates with the waning of Western Leafership and the nascent rise of the EURASIAN era in a future schism between the BRICS world from American Hegemony in a seismic shift in the future Orwellian World Order.




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