Sino-Samoa relations stalled after FAST Government cancelled the Chinese Port. The Chinese proposal will be reconsidered by Samoa. Tim Tufuga

Yesterday, the Indian Ambassador has presented his credentials to the Samoan Head of State, the Tui Aana.
In the meantime, this year, 2023, India has officially become the most populous Nation on the Planet accounting for over 17.76% of the world's population.
China is no longer the most populous Nation due to their One Child Family policies for half a century ago. The policy has worked reducing the Chinese natural growth significantly.
In the meantime, China's economy is the second largest in the world, its development is by far greater than India, although, the Chinese economy has slowed down in the past two years, it is by far well ahead of India.
India, was the only BRICS economy that had grown in 2023 whereas Russia and China had slowed down. India is still well behind in terms of local infrastructural development and modernity compared to Russia and certainly compared to China today.
In the meantime, the Chinese Peoples Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) is developing their Blue Water Fleet, which means that by 2030, China ought to have the largest Naval Fleet in the world, more warships than even the US Navy.
By 2030, China will be needing Allies in the Pacific to replenish water and supplies and Samoa is considered one of their expected Blue Water Port of Call for their Blue Water Fleet replenishment. Recently, the US led AUKUS member Nations and QUAD Plus, by extension have welcomed the Samoan decision to cancel the proposed Samoan port, that was proposed to have been built at my Mother's maternal Village of birth of Asau. Not only at my ancestral Village, but, also at my ancestral land in which the Asau Wharf is situated.
Personally, I had objected of this proposal, however, due to recent global events and the formation of BRCIS Plus, I have reappraised my views, and have considered the Chinese future superpower and economic status within BRICS Plus as too valuable for Samoa's economic and political stability well into the next two or so centuries of Asia Pacific and Oceania regionalism well into the future whereby Europe and American influences will undoubtedly wane in regional significance. Samoa's future is well and truly regionally based and well away from the EU and American Hegemonic influences even as recent as the next half decade or so.
China and India will undoubtedly be more valuable to Samoa than Europe, Britain and America for Samoa's socio-Political and economic security. Australia will realise that when China moves away from Australia for their mineral sources this will adversely affect Australia's wealth generation as China is Australia's number one Export and trading partner. China is presenttly moving to Africa to source their Iron Ore away from Australia moving forward. As a perceived enemy of China Australia and New Zealand will be viewed adversely by the Chinese Government whereas Samoa for the Chinese military perspective as a Blue Water strategic important Ally is concerned will view Samoa as a significant friendly Nation partner moving forward.


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