Multiple Ukrainian Tank Columns ANNIHILATED, by History Legends. Youtube comment by Tim Tufuga

A very good analysis HL Well done. Might I add, that the recorded feedback by an 'alleged' Commonwealth Nations trained Ukrainian Soldier from the initial contact described the disasterous assault in a vernacular that is not Ukrainian at all, in fact, it is not even Englsh, or anyone from the Commonwealth, unless theyre Canadians. In actual fact, that so called Ukrainian is in fact an American Mercenary. Words like Pummelled and Buzzing overhead although it is universally English, is actually, American adjectives and not English, Australian or New Zealand let alone Ukrainian adjectives, it is uniquely American. Russian fighter aircrafts and Russian Helicopters 'Buzzing overhead ' is distinctively AMERICAN. Therefore, I would say that many of those so called Ukrainian trained troops are really AMERICANS. Well at least the spokesman was an American. In short, there are obviously a fair proportion of American, German, British amongst the fallen. Theyre distinctively armed with American small arms. HK 417s, is a telltale clue that Americans are in the area. If Ukrainians are amred with HK417s, well those were definitely trained in America, or at American bases within Germany. As well as in Britain. Overall, like the first wave landing at Omaha Beach, on D Day, the first wave are always smashed significantly. But, in this first wave, most of the very best equipment for mine clearance were completely wiped out. Which explains why, after this initial attack, the US Govt, has announced another multimillion dollar munitions aid package which include more Bradley AFVs, and more military vehicles to be sent into Ukraine. In a years time....We all know that Russia has won this war. The forced negotiation after the alleged complete defeat of the Russian Armed Forces in Ukraine will simply be a long laughed at NATO Operation Humpty Dumpty disaster and the most laughed at and scoffed at NATO military fiasco especially by the Russian military historians. For now, like the Bakhmut story, we know the end game, like the Wagner Group crawl to the finish line, the Ukrainian deep incursion throughout the Russian defense in depth cascading maginot line of defense will achieve its overall attrition objective of reducing the NATO armoury to a point that we can easily quantify the dollar signs on top of each and every NATO military vehicle in the millions, starting with the $4.35million price tag of a single Bradley AFV on the Russian Steppes and multiply that by the tens of how many were not even towed away by the Ukrainian tank towing trucks. On day one, Shoigu was accurate, there were 8 Leopard 2 tanks destroyed, there were 7 left on the field and was counted off through photographic evidences on social media, and there was one that was unaccounted for which was obviously towed away by another tank or tank towtruck. The third to sixth day, the Ukrainians adapted to the battle scene and were able to capture the initial objective towns from the Vrminvsk salient which was a deliberate tactic by the Russians allowing the Ukrainians to take the lowland townships which was well within the Infilade kill box for the Russian artillery and air attack aircrafts, and drones. The Russians were pushed back from the high ground for a day but have reacquired their temporary lost overwatch position and the Russians will begin the Fish in a Barrel infilade degradation of the Ukrainian Armour as they attempt to fortify the connecting townships in the Valley. A bad idea. It will soon be realised that the Vreminvsk salient was a Bear Trap all along. It was always meant to entice the Ukrainians as a purportedly weakpoint. When in actuality it was the intended Infilade Kill Box for the NATO Armoury all along. Similarly to the Orkhiv Bradly Square, the Vreminsk Salient is also an intended NATO Infilade kill Box a NATO Tank graveyard. I think that from now on, the NATO Generals have finally cottoned on this Sun Tzu tactic by the Russians.


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