The Australian Referendum 2023. After the Dust has settled. The results from the REAL people which the Referendum was intended for is revealed.

 (Australian Bureau of Statistics) 

After the dust has settled from the recent Australian Referendum.

The recent Referendum was the largest Democractic participation event in Australian Political History which resulted in 60% of the Nation saying NO to the Aboriginal constitutional representation.

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, the Aboriginal Communities throughout Australia, which the Referendum should have been focused on....OVERWHELMINGLY VOTED YES!!!

Demonstrably, then, Democracy within a Nation which overwhelmingly is non Indigenous will overwhelm the minority.

Australia has demonstrably revealed to the world how an assimilationist Anglo Celtic Majority Australian Society will overwhelm the democractic rights of the MINORITY.

Clearly, DEMOCRACY does not work for MINORITIES when the Minority make up only 2% of the Australian population.

In New Zealand the Maori make up 15%.

In America, the American Indians make up 2.6%. Samoans and Hawaiians are also counted as Indifgenous First Nations people within American Society and represent even less of the overall American democratic population.

With an average of 81.5% of the Aboriginal Communities voting YES we see that the Indigenous people had overwhelmingly voted to have their constitutional rights enshrined within the Australian Constitution.

Tim Tufuga


1. Australian Bureau of Statistics. 

2, Australian Electoral Commission, 


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