The Chinese Scientists who helped developed the Semiconductor Chip for modern scientific advancement for mankind. Lin Lanying a Remarkable Scientist. Tim Tufuga

A remarkable woman and worthy of the Noble Prize for technological innovation. Lin Lanying like the Chinese Railway workers in the last century helped advance American Society into the industrial age and into the Space Age with her work on the Semiconductor.
Her work on Semicoonductors has pioneered advanced computer science for space exploration, for military missile development, for warfighting equipment, for commercial industries robotics, artifical intelliegence, for everyday mobile phone technology, for the motorvehicle industry, for the entertainment industry, and telecommunication. Her work has advanced computer technology, micro technology and even nanotechonology used for medical science, applied science, quantum physics, mechanical physics and a whole myriad of fields of industry and science. Even in commercial enterprise, trade, agriscience and almost every facet of modernity. She is the mother of computer science, the developer genius of the semiconductor in which help advance the American Silicon Valley and American advance technology and was under appreciated by America.


Dragon Eye Observation,


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