The Australian Snowy Mountain Scheme 2.0 compared to the Chinese Civil Engineers with the Belt and Road Initiative.

The Australian Govenrment's Snowy Mountain Scheme 2.0 has been hampered with engineering miscalculations and have been hampered with the boring machine breakdowns and inability to move sludge from boring through soft soil and rock as the boring machine progresses through the Soft soil.

The SMS 2.0 project has been suspended and dragged on by 2 years longer than predicted. The European contracted boring company Future Generation Joint Venture (FGJV) which won the contract for the project, have had problems finishing their objectives, the tunnel boring machine Florence, under the Tantangara, continues to be hampered by soft soil and water seepage, leading to mud and sludge entering the Florence machine causing the machine to malfunction and breaking down. Grouting systems have been poured into the surface to solidify the boring surface at present.
Due to the lack of pre-project feasibility assessment by the Australian Civil Engineers, the project has become an Australian Tax Payers black hole, with billions of Australian taxpayers funding pouring into the extenuating additional costs for the project. The estimated cost of $2Billion for the project has blown out due to the unforseeable problems confronting the project, most notably the subsidence from underground water pockets and seemingly unforseen artesian water tables throughout the soil. The engineers incompetence seems glaringly obvious.
Unlike Australian civil engineering and foreign contractors incompetence, the world leading experts on Mega Projects such as Hydroelectric dam constructions as the world leading Mega Structure project experts, the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative Civil Engineers would have implemented their own superior boring machines, the Chinese would have negotiated the Soft Soil problems and engineered a quick fix, and would have ameliorated the problem not only successfully but much more efficiently than the current Australian and Foreign Civil Engineering constructors currently sticking their heads in a sand trying to solve their ever so gradual incrementalist problem solving skillset.
The Chnese BRI engineering superiorty would have completed the Australian Snowy Mountain 2.0 in half the time and at half the cost than the current Australian and Foreign contractors who are incompetently plodding along trying to figure out how to bore through soft soil to build more hydro electric dams for more electricity generation for the Australian Nation.
The Chinese are by far more superior than Australians when it comes to Mega Civil Engineering Projects.


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