China's New type 096 nuclear submarine renders the Australian Virginia Class Submarine Program obsolete. Tim Tufuga
The AUKUS Virginia Class submarine is especially designed to hunt the Chinese Ballistic Submarine known as the Type 096 SSBN. However, the Type 096 has superior non detection technology with a very quiet Electric Pump Thruster for near silent propulsion underwater.travelling a siginficant speed but more importantly has made the Virginia Class Attack Submarines obsolete with their inability to detect the Type 096 especially since the Type096 can dive even deeper twice the depth of any atttack Submarine within the US or any other Naval Subamrine fleet at a depth of 800 metres. The Virginia Class maximum depth is 240metres to an alleged depth of 490metres. The Type 096 can dive to 800 metres which means that it will almost be impossible for the Virginia Class SSN to detect the Type 096 SSBN, let alone destroy a Type 096 SSBN, by a Virginia Class Attack Submarine.
Therefore, the only rational purpose for acquiring an Australian Virginia Class Submarine would be for the purpose of the Naval Mine Clearance Divers Delivery Systems for amphibious covert operational deployments rather than for hunting down SLBM launching SSBNs. The Chinese Type 096 SSBN is armed with the JL3 SLBMs each carrying a nuclear MIRVs with a payload of up to 1 megaton per JL3. The JL3 SLBM has a range of 10,000km.
10,000km range for the Chinese 1 megaton SLBM, is likened to launching a SLBM JL3 from within the Taiwan Strait, and will be able to travel and nuke Sydney City very easily.
With the JL3 range, the Virginia Class Submarine has almost ZERO DETERRENCE capability.
In short, the Type 096 SSBN has stolen the thunder of the Australian AUKUS Virginia Class Submarine deterrance capability in the most laughable level bringing a big smile to the faces of the Chinese Military. The Australian Military deterrence strategy is hubris and laughable to the Chinese.
Soon, then the Chinese Carrier Strike Group has become fully operational by 2030, the Chinese will be conducting FONOPS within the Pacific Ocean, all the way to Samoa and beyond to Mexico coastline, to the Panama Canal and through to the Caribbean Mexican Gulf to Cuba and Venezuela and onto Brazil in a FONOPs that will annoy the heck out of America. But, the Chinese Blue Water Carrier Strike Groups has matured and will be conducting their FONOPS within the next decade and beyond.
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