NATO's Operation Humpty Dumpty. By Tim Brian Tufuga

The Vremivka Salient is a deliberate Russian Entrapment ploy to entice the Ukrainians and NATO mercenaries into the Russian infilade Lair, or Kill Zone Pocket. The conurbation of townships up to Vremivka are interconnected lowland towns along a valley. The local Donetsk military strategists had deliberately created the salient and presented it as an obvious Russian weakpoint with unprotected flanks, allowing for NATO military strategists to consider it as the obvious Russian weakpoint to exploit.

The incursions to be made, obviously, will drive the Russians further away, as the NATO armoury penetrate further South of Donetsk. As they do so, they will be drawn deeper and deeper into the infilade kill zone.

In the coming weeks the Ukrainian casualty rate is going to be phenomenal. So much so, the Ukrainian Armoury and Ukrainian attrition of military personnel is going to run into the thousands. The war of attrition will wear down not only the NATO weapons and munition resources and more importantly soldiers, but, domestically, back in the EU, the long drawn out Ukrainian War has denied the EU their affordable Energy Resources from Russia. Costing countries like Germany three times more for their energy needs as provided from the Middle East, Africa and America. The recessions will spread from Germany, to Ireland, France, Britain and further. High inflation, and rising cost of living, from high energy costs for factories and manufacturing hubs, will cascade into rising unemployment in a stagflationary impact upon local economies. This is lead to more social unrest and rising anti war protests and more Paris City like protests and unrest throughout all of Europeans Cities. This will lead to many NATO Nations feeling less inclined to give financial help, weapons and munitions to Ukraine. Presently, the Ukrainians, the EU and NATO are attempting to charge Russia for funding Ukrainian Terrorists known as the DPR and LPR for sedition and treason actions against the Ukrainian Govenrment. The charge of funding and aiding and abetting the DPR and LPR according to the Ukrainian and International Criminal Court, is Russia is funding Terrorism in Ukraine and therefore Russia is considered a Terrorist State according to the Ukrainians, the EU with the International Criminal Court War Crimes verdict. This would include the charge of kidnapping of Children according to the ICC war crimes charges against President Putin renderring President Putin a wanted Felon throughout the world, by Interpol. As the adage goes, to the victor goes the spoils and the victors writes the history of the world and would reset the rule of law accordingly. It appears that the Neo Nazi elements within the West have reversed history by changing the Russian political history since the end of World War Two and the demise of the Communist world. The Anglo American led NATO and the EU had secretly led to the rise of Neo Nazism and Ultra Nationalism throughout the world, culminating with the rise of Fascism via the NATO military alliance disguised as the Free Western Hemishere Nations. The Patriotic War was rekindled when German Tanks were destroyed in the Donetsk and Zapororizhy region, reminding World War Two of Operation Barbarossa and the now the continuation of that Operation in 2023.

In the reverse of the EU, NATO and Ukrainian war crimes. The Ukrainians allegedly are considered guilty for an undemocratic overthrow of their democratically elected Ukrainian President back in 2014 with the Euromaidin Revolution supported by the West. Secondly, the Ukrainians are guilty for repressing and denying the Donetsk peoples Republic and the Lugansk Peoples Republic their right to secede and to formulate their own Independent Pro Russian State, as similar to Transnitria to the West of Ukraine. The Pororshenko regime launched a repression campaign to repress and suppress the alleged dissension by DPR and LPR Separatists after their allegedly illegal Referenda, which was considered corrupted by Russian influence. Without any verification the UN and NATO agreed with the Ukrainians. Again, the Neo Nazi and Russophobia by NATO. NATO itself was created after World War Two specifically to destroy the Soviet Union and remained after the end of the Soviet Union and became simply an anti Russian Fascist entity. NATO has since grown with Finland and Sweden and soon Ukraine as added members to the NATO EMPIRE. Again, the rise of the NATO Fascist Empire was lost to the world and especially to the West. Only the Russians and BRICS member Nations can see the Fascist NATO Empire. Russia therefore would counter claim that NATO is aiding and abetting a Neo Nazi regime. Ukraine, who are gullty of attempting an act of ethnic cleansing of Culturally Russian speakers from the Donbass Region. Therefore, are guilty of attempted genocide of the Donbass. The denial of the civil rights and democratic rights of the DPR and LPR and even to accept the democratic existence of the DPR and LPR by Ukraine, the UN and especially by the ICC, is considered a denial of human Rights for the Donbass Russian people. This notion has been lost to the UN, EU and NATO Nations. An indictment especially against the ICC for their denial of the human rights of the DPR and LPR people. Instead, the Nuremberg trials have commenced since MH 17, the stolen children, and other alleged war crimes, in absentia. As well before the conclusion of the war. This in itself, is a premeptive and illegal action by the ICC to commence war crimes proceedings before the conclusion of a War. Again, the ICC has moved the goal posts of the International Rule of Law, according to the Victors from World War Two. However, as the victors of World War Two, the permanent Five Members of the UNSC, includes Russia and China who are now engaged in anti West economic and direct conflict albeit through the NATO Proxy of Ukraine.

As the political game has already concluded with the Russian Duma ratifying the inclusion of parts of the five former Ukrainian Oblasts into the Russian Federation the war, according to the Political endgame has concluded with Russia claiming their Russian people into the Russian Federation Fold. However, Ukraine reject the political endgame, albeit the Russian Chess game of the King being Checkmated. Instead, the Ukrainians and NATO would continue the game of Chess on the battlefields throughout the Donbass, Kherson and Zapororizhy Oblasts, in the hope of reclaiming lost territories. The Battlefield diplomacy, however, is NATO and Ukraine continuing the War, long after the King has fallen. It is therefore NATO's Operation Barbarossa morphing into Operation Humpty Dumpty.

Ukraine, therefore, is for the Fascist Empire NATO, Operation Humpty Dumpty.

Tim Tufuga


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