Introducing the Chinese C919 domesticated constructed Aircraft and Samoa's consideration of a future National Carrier for Samoa Airways?

Last week, A Chinese C919 domestically constructed commercial aircraft made a maiden flight to Samoa. Landed at the Faleolo Airport and some 200 Chinese tourists disembarked and flooded the Hotels in throughout Samoa. The Samoans were caught by surprise with the Chinese tourism flight, Chinese tourist walked and embarked chartered buses waving their minature Chinese Communist Party Flags amongst the Samoans who were surprised and were very grateful for the sudden influx of Chinese tourist Dollars in the thousands with their very brief stay in Samoa.
In the meantime, China had shown off their new commercial aircraft and were proposing to the Samoan Government a purchase at a competitive price of one of their C919 Aircrafts brand spanking new for the Samoan Government to serious consider purchasing and having named Samoa Airways.
Samoa are in desperate need for two major tourism concerns flight route paths for Samoan tourists and an domestic carrier. China has considered Samoa as a likely EXOTIC Chinese tourist destination. Only the most willing Chinese Tourist would consider Samoa as an exotic road less travelled destination.
As for the Samoan Hospitality Industry? The Samoan Hotelliers were caught off guards, Many Samoans were floundering to find the appropriate ingredients to whet the exclusive appetites of the Chinese tourists who were proven to be an unprecedented palate taste that required a lot of varieties of vegetables which many hotelliers were floundering in the shortage of supplies throughout all of Samoa. Imported cabbages at supermarkets were relied upon to meet the lack of local suppliers.
It appears, that the Samoans will be hard pressed in meeting the great influx of CHOGM World Leaders, Politicians, security detals, staff members and general visitors for the Apia CHOGM, in 2024. Two CHOGM Members are also BRICS Members as well.
Presently, one of the BRICS members is presently in Europe, and have met both President Zelensky and President Putin as I post this Facebook post. The South African President, Ramphosa is scheduled to attend the Apia, Samoa, CHOGM meeting in 2024. Indian Prime Minister Modi, is also expected to attend the Apia, Samoa CHOGM, along with British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, Australian Prime Minister Albanese and New Zealand PM Chris Hipkins, amongst the 56 Heads of Government attending CHOGM in 2024.
In the meantime, a plane load of Chinese Tourists have caused some tourism panic amongst the local Samoan hoteliers. The South Pacific Games was the last challege for the Samoans, but, unlike the Pacific Games, CHOGM will have the entire World looking at Samoa.
In the meantime, China is viewing Samoa as part of the continuation of their Belt and Road Initiative and as far as Asau Port is concerned, also part of the Strings of Pearls more remote Deep Sea Blue Water Ports for the Chinese Maritime strings of Pearls Ports network system throughout the Pacific.
In the meantime, the aviation and commercial flights destinations, the Chinese have already gone the long way out from the Asian Region to reach out to Samoa as a long distance ally in the remote Pacific Region.


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