The EU and NATO Jedi Knights gaslighting the Neo Nazi Ukrainian aggression against the Cultural Russians within Eastern Ukraine. Tim Tufuga

Arming the aggressor? 2014 revolution then the repression of the Culturally Russian people of the Donetsk Oblast and Lugansk leading to the annexation of Russian Crimean Oblast is simply correcting the anomaly of history. President Khruschev gifting Crimea to Ukraine to win a Presidential election in 1954, then the 1991, when Russians living in harmony within the Soviet Union were suddenly forced to become Ukrainian Citizens simply because they were supposedly within the soveriegn borders of another neighbouring Nation, which had suddenly appeared as an Independent Nation in 1991. Then the Ukrainians revealed their true arrogance with their Anti Russian Neo Nazism, most notably amongst the Right sector, the Azov Battalion etc. The Bandera Ukrainian Neo Nazism has revealed themselves on 2014 and the price was high. The DPR and LPR were formed the KPR was successfully crushed by the Ukrainian SBU however, the DPR and LPR were more determined. 14,000 lives lost later in a Ukrainian Civil War, the Minsk Agreement was rejected, the ultimatum rejected, the provocations were obvious with the attempted genocidal assimilationist policies by the Neo Nazi regime of Ukraine which was OBVIOUSLY PROVOCATIVE to the Russian Federation for the obvious reason that the repression of the DPR and LPR was primarily due to the fact that the people being systematically culled were CULTURALLY RUSSIAN PEOPLE.

Now, after the expulsion of the Azov Battalion from Mariupol City, some 6 months later, there has not been any violence and dissension from the locals in Mariupol City against their own fighters, namely, the DPR Forces, and against Russia, Why? Because, as it has been revealed the locals were indeed Russian people, albeit, those Russians living in the DPR. Now, the reconstruction of Mariupol City has been very fast. Streets are repaired, high rise residential buildings are rapidly being constructed to house the Russians living in Mariupol who are living in exile in Russia, are awaiting the reconstructions of their new homes for them to return to Mariupol City. Still, the UN, the EU and NATO refuse to accept the fact that Eastern Ukraine was populated by Russian people. This self denial has led to this conflict to begin with. So the Aggressor has always been the Neo Nazi Ukrainians asseting their Neo Nazi compliance by Russians who have always lived in Crimea, Donetsk and Lugansk Oblasts since even before 1991. Remember, Ukraine as a Nation was created in 1991. The Donetsk, Lugansk, and Crimea were always populated by local Russian people. If you dont believe the locals then ask them anything....and no one will reply in Ukrainian. Almost every LPF or DPR local will reply in Russian.

The Clue is OBVIOUS. So the answer to this Jedi Knifht with their extrodinary gaslighting powers that Russia is the aggressor, must be unravelled and revealed for all to see for what it really is.....A gaslighting Jedi Knight....saying that the Russian special military action was indeed UNPROVOKED and the Chinese assistance to Russia militarily is Arming the Agressor, is simply the NATO Jedi Knight gslighting and attempting to convince any non-EU Nation that Ukraine is the innocent victim of an EXPANSIONIST Russian EMPIRE....For the rest of the world....which will undoubtedly include the BRICS plus member Nations, and the growing membership in the process, the Gaslighting Jedi Knight by Ursula Vvon Der Leyen, and Macron, is the typical White Superiority complex Gaslighting politicking disguised as Statesmanship being played out in China. BRICS Plus obviously know the EU plot in their Sino relations and frankly the Jedi Knights are well and truly outsmarted by BRICS Plus.

Tim Tufuga 7th April, 2023.


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