18th Jan 2023 Ukrainian Sitrep Australian Troops deployed to help Ukraine defeat Russia. Tim Tufuga

In the art of war, all war is about deception and according to the OSINT Operation Owl Ukrainian War Map, there are way more Russian combined Armies and Military Districts than the western media are reporting. Although, the Russians have reported an additional 300,000 conscripted Russian Reservists recruited in the recent partial mobilisation, since December, when President Putin had finally declared war on Ukraine, the partial mobilisation has exponentially increased to one million, with Nine Russian Combined Armies and three Military Districts along the Russian Line of Control throughout Ukraine.
Four Combined Russian Armies within Kherson Oblast alone. That is some 400,000 approx. military strength Military District. Each Army is commanded by a Colonel General or Major General at least. A General is in charge of a particular Military District. A MIlitary District is a Military war Front, in which case the Southern Distric is the Kherson to Zapororychy Oblast Russian Line of Control.
One Combined Russian Army, the 8th Russian Combined Army is within the DPR, this constitutes all the DPR and LPR military units under the command of this Colonel General ranked commander.
Three Combined Russian Armies are within the Lugansk Oblast to deal with the North East Ukrainian Russian Line of Control near the Belarus and Russian border north east of Ukraine. That is some three hundred thousand military strength Western Military District.
All up there is at least 900,000 to 1 million Russian Army already within the annexed Russian Federation territories.
With the recent announcement by Gen Shoigu, Min for Defense of the Russian Government, an additional 1.5million Russian troops within the Ukrainian theatre of war.
In summary, nine combined armies, three military districts. Means 1 million Russian combined armed forces within Ukraine....
There is no way, will Ukraine match the Russians in peer to peer military parity.
NATO will have to declare war and deploy well over 4 million strength armed forces to DEFEAT Russia.....Then there is the likelihood for the Russian militart to resort to nuclear warfare.
Russia possess twice the number of nuclear weapons as the combined NATO armed forces.
In a mutually assured destruction thermonuclear war....No one wins....
Russia will not lose this war!!!


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