China’s J 35 is ready for the Chinese Carrier Strike Group and Blue Water Navy in 2024. By Tim Tufuga

J35 and the Fujian launch.

The J35 is ready for the Chinese Navy. The J35 when once the Fuljian is fully operational in 2024 will replace all J15s as the main Chinese combat aircraft on all three and potentially four Chinese Aircraft Carriers by 2030. The Chinese will have air superiority and dominance not only within the Green water and litorral waters but also within the Blue Water Naval combat zones. Which means that the Chinese Navy is now able to reach Samoa Islands in the middle of the Pacific with their Carrier Strike Groups and not feel intimidated by the American Carrier Strike Groups and their AEGIS systems and certainly not feel intiminated by the American JSF35s at all. In Naval ship counter measures, the Chinese possess, the Chinese anti ship YJ21 hypersonic missiles, the Rail guns, Laser Weapons systems, as well as anti ship supersonic sea skimming YJ 18 cruise missiles, which may be launched from the Type 054D Frigates and the most lethal Ship in the world, the Large Type 055 Destroyers. Otherwise, the YJ 21 anti ship hypersonic missiles may be launched from the Type 095 SSN which is as silent as the Virginia class SSNs patrolling all Chinese carrier Strike Groups by 2025 onwards.

Chinese military late development and yet is superior then NATO Warships, technology, missiles and Stealth Fighters.

It is now when the Chinese are more than certain that not only has China caught up with the Americans in military technology advanced weapon systems, but, the Chinese have surpassed the Americans and NATO military systems with more cutting edge technology. This includes superior radar systems with the Type 346 Radar systems with longer range and superior detection capabilities that can detect Stealth fighter jets at a longer distance compared to NATO radars.
More importantly, in air dominance and air superiority, the Chinese have announced the launch of the J35 the final iteration version that will be mass produced in time for the Fujian commissioning into the Chinese PLAN by 2024.

China is ready for the Blue Water Dominance by 2030.

The J 35 is by far superior than the JSF35 by range and more air to air missiles. Armed with the PL 15, means a longer range AAM and more kinetic power comparable to NATO AAMs. Add the PL 21 will be more lethal comparable to the JSF 35. More importantly, the J 35 has 8 internal AAMs or AGMs compared to the 4 internal missile bays of the both JSF 35 and F 22. Clearly, the J20 and the J35 with their twin engines have superior range, combat radius, and superior AAM and AGM payload than either F22 and JSF35. In a likely combat scenario, a single J35 has twice as many AAMs compared to both the F22 and the JSF35 which means that in actuality a single J35 or J20 can theoretically shootdown up to 8 JSF35s whereas a JSF35 can only shootdown at most 4 J35 before having to return to base to reload, refuel and return for combat. Clearly, the Chinese have come late to the fifth generation fighter generation but have come into the fifth generation fighter class with superior combat capability than the US and any NATO military aircrafts. The proof is in an actual declaration of war! The Chinese are now ready!


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