Russia recruits an additional 400,000 troops to bolster the Garrison Force within the Donbass. By Tim Tufuga

With an additional 400,000 troops to be trained and deployed to Ukraine is indicative of the long haul garrison of the Donbass Region. The Russians have already deployed 1.5 million Troops to Ukraine most are deployed on reserve and on rotation and reinforcement roles along the Russian Line of Control.
This confirms the fact that Russia is expecting to garrison their annexed territorial gains for the next few years for as long as it takes to repel NATO and Ukrainian Forces from the Donbass and Crimea.
In short, Ukraine will never reacquire their lost territories. Why? since the Russian sanctions by the West, and the perpetual military support by NATO, the EU, Australia, Canada and New Zealand, or as the Russians and now the Chinese call it, the Anglo American Hegemonic influence of the world, and as Lavrov accurately points out, the Western Minority, the Russians economy has in fact improved and has been bolstered by the safety net from BRICS member Nations.
BRICS, and in particular, the Renminbi (Chinese Yuan) currency has replaced the US Dollar by OPEC oil trading Nations, resulting in the immediate devaluation of the Amercian Green Back by Countries like Saudi Arabia. The outrage by the US Government was palpable that even the Director of the CIA announced his intention to sort out the Saudi Arabians personally by visting Saudi Arabia for some stern CIA fighting words. No public disclosures of the outcome of this alleged meeting.
In the meantime, on April 25th, 2023, during ANZAC day commemorations ceremonies all over Europe and the Pacific, the Chinese President was receiving the credentials from 70 Ambassadors who were establishing their diplomatic ties with Chinese Government a clear indication that China and BRICS are the preferred alternative to the West.
Overall, the Russian Ukrainian Conflict has signficantly changed the world's perception on the West, and in particular, it has revealed the truth of how the Western World is in fact, the MINORITY opinion and now the minority in global economic strength compared to the combined resources and wealth of the New Development Bank owned by BRICS, and the newly forged alliances arising from the Ukrainian conflict with the Gulf States and Central adn South American States warming up to BRICS Plus. Clearly most of the world are not part of the Anglo American realm and nor would they ever want to be part of this MINORITY cabal of Nations.
Unfortunately for Pacific Islanders we are surrounded by the Anglo American sphere of influence with USA, Australia and New Zealand as our economic migration destinations and unfortunately many Pacific Islanders have had to deal with institutionalised racism and exclusion living within these Anglo American societies within New Zealand, Australia and America. It has taken over half a century of fighting institutionalised racism for the Pacific Islanders, like Samoans to establish themselves in an otherwise very inimical Anglo American world order, such as the Commonwealth of Nations (Formerly the British Empire) and the American second class citiznery status of American Samoans who are still not automatic American Citizens as their birthright today. Many American Samoans are proud of their non American Citizenry status claiming that it gives them their own cultural identity as Independent Samoans, whereas, in America, this simply means disenfranchisement. American Samoans were not given a choice in accepting their American citizenship status as their birthright which is to render American Samoans disenfranchised American subjects. Again, reiterating the Anglo American Colonial paternalism.
In such examples, the Russians and Chinese seem to offer a more viable anti imperialist alternative world order with BRICS Plus. Countering BRICS Plus is AUKUS and QUAD Plus, which includes, yes, you guessed it, the Anglo American Nations, of Australia, New Zealand Britain and America. The French sector and Inuits influence within Canadian Society seems to have some influence in their reticence in joing AUKUS.
Finally, the non-Western World has seen the antics of the conceited Americans and their EU Cabal who have become a collective Fascist regiime all but name, albeit, coalesced into NATO. The has viewed NATO as the true manifestation of the fascist collective of European and Anglo American Axis power to counter the Russian Federation.
The united Facism of NATO has only bolstered the aura of President Putin in the perception of the Russian people. So much so that his approval within Russia stands at 80% with the loud minority enamating from the Ukrainian Russians and dissedents from separatists parts of the Russian Federation culminating in the Navalny opposition. However, most Russians are on President Putin's side. For this reason, the 400,000 additional Russian troops call up will be willingly easily achieved within days, as the Russian people are compelled to defend their lands in what is now perceived as another Patriotic War against NATO and the Anglo American western world.
For the Samoans in Samoa, their prospects for their economic security looks more favourable to BRICS and the patronage from China, whilst their economic migrants have no other choice other than America, Australia and New Zealand. However, China has also welcomed Samoans as economic migrants there as well.


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