Introduction to the Bible (from an academic point of view)

Very good informative, and educational. Understandably, due to the lack of documentary evidence from the period, it would be remiss of anthropologists and ethnologists to trace the etymological origins of pre Sumerian cultures from when they had orginally came from, over five thousand years ago. We, the Polynesians had migrated out of South East Asia over three thousand years ago, during the Lapita pottery period as Austronesian speakers from South East Asia. We are said to have evolved from Moden Malaysia and Taiwan migrating Eastward peopling the entire Pacific Ocean whilst at the same time, the Phoenicians were conquering the very modest Mediterranean Sea 1,000 BCE. We, the Austronesians which branched off into the separate races of Melanesian, Micronesians and Polynesians had emerged from South East Asia to people and settle the Pacific Ocean Islands, by 1,000BCE. It is alleged that Abraham was born in Ur, Sumeria, Mesopotamia during the first Babylonian empire of Hammurabi 2356-2301BCE. Abraham was not a Jew per se, he was a Sumerian. As you have alluded through your anthropological deductive reasoning, Sumerians arrived from elsewhere from Indus valley, as deduce by the ethnoliguistic language that had differentiated the Sumerians from the Semitic Akkadians within the Mesopotamian period. We, Polynesians had travelled out of Asia by 1,000BCE during the first scolars anthropological collections of the Torah, or the pentateuch books of the old testament. We Polynesians were already traversing the Pacific Ocean and settling the various island groups. We had invented the outrigger canoes which allowed the Polynesians to settle the Western and central Pacific Ocean Islands by the time the books of the Torah and Pentateuch being written by 850BCE onwards. You may like to consider the lack of documentary of other civilisations from the Eurocentric perspective academically myopic from the overall evolution of human civilisations worldover.

Tim Brian Tufuga


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