Australian AUKUS Submarines Won't Deter China: Too Little, Too Late. Eurasia Naval Insight. Tim Tufuga

Rubbish proposition. The Chinese Type 094a, the Type 095 and the Type 096 armed with Hypersonic missiles, some nuclear warheads, as well as cruise missiles makes the point of having Virginia Nuclear submarines obsolete and certainly by 2040 when they will be finally commissioned to patrol the Australian coastline, as well as, conducting Special forces amphibious insertion operations behind soft coastal targets and ships. The Virginia class is the best submarine for any task but it will do little to deter the Type 096, Type 095 which will launch nuclear warheads well from within the Indian Ocean, the Arafura Sea, Timor Sea or the Coral Sea at East coast targets, in the event of a mutually assured thermonuclear war. Australia will not have a hope in hell. As well as the DF 26 long range hyersonic missiles lauched from the mainland China which will be difficult to intercept since Australia has opted not to purchase the THAAD system but for Virginia Class missiles....Again STUPID National Security shortsightedness. Australia ought to consider investing in missile defense systems such as S550 SAMs or a Western Version of the system. But, no Australians are Dumbasses!!! Youd advise them to procure THAADs but nope nothing inside that head!!!!

Tim Tufuga


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