“We’re playing Martyr,” says young girl. The Palestinian Children's preparation for Martyrdom in Gaza.

A very compelling article, by Steve Israel, along with supporting Palestinian Children Television program that has been circulated on the X social media platform showing a Palestinian Childrens show of how Children as young as four and five, were reciting Koranic scripts indocrinating Children to not only hating Jews, but, as according to their Prophet Mohammad, how these Children must obey Mohammed and that they MUST KILL JEWS.
This article recently published on October 25th by Steve Israel (Pun intended) along with a compelling Palestinian television program youtube video, supports the Palestinain children indocrination on Child Martyrs. Or the self indocrination to commit to mass suicide through sacrifice by remaining in Hospitals that are teeming with Hamas soldiers, tunnels, with command and control bunkers under the basements of Gazan Hospitals, knowing full well that the Israeli guidance missiles would be targetting the Hamas Rocket Launch sites, which were almost all being launched from Gaza Hospital grounds all over the Gaza Strip. Some 20 or so Gazan Hospitals were deliberately set up as Hamas command and control centres and the Children as well as the maternity wards were never evacuated as the Israelis had forewarned the Palestinians of their imminent invasion and the need for the Children to be moved away from the combat zone. But, no, the Palestinians deliberately ensured that their childten remained in Gaza whilst Hamas had launched their October 7th, 2023 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War, terrorist attack upon the Israelis celebrating the 50th anniverary of the Yom Kippur War including at a Music festival.
More to the point of how the Palestinians had deliberately used their children in becoming martyrs and the view of the medical staff at the hospitals tossing the limbs of children and their deceased cavadars like rag dolls and how they would exaggerate their griefs in front of recording cameras for dramatic effect in enraging the Islamic World and declaring a Global Jihad against the Israelis and Americans. The evidence is compelling and it may be argued as conspiratously purely sinister and evil and encouraged by none other than by the religious dictations from childhood Madrasas throughout all of Palestine. As well as throughout the entire Islamic World of the Umma.

Tim Tufuga


Israel, Steve, Why Evolution Is True, https://whyevolutionistrue.com/2023/10/27/how-palestinian-kids-are-taught-to-hate-jews/?fbclid=IwAR3-T3SSMADxZRKFK3JpG0kb6HmLdfbMRzjJt6XU6r1nlSZ52ixYq-Sg4K0


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