Ukraine War, Rybar Map for November 13th, 2023. The Bakhmut Pincer re-occupation failure by the Ukrainian Forces.

The Klischiivska assult to complete the Bakhmut pincer movement by the Ukrainian Forces, along with a heavily depleted NATO Mercenary Force made up of Polish, German, and American Mechanised Troops, have been severely depleted with both combat troops, equipment and munitions and are well on the defensive and are in the process of withdrawing from all sectors.
Conversely, the Russians are on the offensive, driving the depleted Ukrainian Forces away from the Bakhmut direction.
It appears that Bakhmut will hold at least until 2024 from the combined Ukrainian and NATO supplied offensive to retake Bakhmut.
It also indicates the utter failure of the Ukrianian Offensive as a diversionary preoccupation for the Russian Defenders along the Zaporozhzhy Front and South Donetsk Oblast, as the pocket of Ukrainian Offensive Salients are ever so slight reaching only the first Russian defensive line and no further.
The only success for the Ukrainians has been the swarms of FPV Drones harrassing the Krynky areas of Kherson with a slight incursion by a seemingly suicidal Ukrainian crack troops within Krynky on the Southern Banks of the Kherson River banks, which has established a Drone air coverage for the Ukrainians to harrass and destroy numerous Russian Tanks and IFVs disrupting the local Russian mechanised movements within Kherson. This is only temporary since the Ukrianians are unable to garner mechanised support from across the river to conduct further breaches within Kherson at least within the forseeable future and well into 2024. The likelihood is the suicide squad of Ukrianian troops within Krynky will remain until they are out of supplies and will either surrender or perish where they are.
The Krynky incursion is what Napoleon would remark in his maxim....."Do not interrupt your enemy, when he is doing a mistake."
The Russians seem to have tolerated the river crossing by the Ukrainians and are anticipating their next action as the Russians continue to bombard the other side of the river and preventing any reinforcements from reaching the Ukrainian forward operating base within Krynky to resuppy, re-arm, and replace the exhausted troops. A tactical blunder by the Ukrainians but it appears that the task was simply a political and media gesture rather than a strategic mission objective.


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