Eurasia Naval Insight on the Israeli War 2023. The Two State Solution seems simple enough unite the Palestinian State by getting rid of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip?

Agreed with the Israelis overdoing it. However, you must remember that the problem was caused by the Sykes Picot Declaration of 1916, which would divide the Ottoman Empire into the modern day Middle Eastern Countries since 1918 and the Versaille Treaty conditions for the vanquished. The Ottoman Empire created Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, and more importantly led to the Balfour Declaration in 1917 which was the creation of the State of Palestine, not for the Arab Palestinians ipso facto, but, to create a JEWISH STATE. The problem was that they Balfour named it Palestine and not Judea or Israel. It was in 1946 after the Holocaust were the Zionists insistent on invoking the Balfour Declaration of 1917 with the creation of the Palestinian State except by naming the Zionist State ISRAEL. The Zionist created the State of Israel.

The original problem for the Jews was the actions of the Romans who conquered the Jews with the Fall of Jerusalem in 97AD. the Islamic faith was born in the 7th century AD, and the Arabs who were living in the Gaza and Phoenicia were to become Mislim Arabs. Whereas the Jews were scattered throughout the world during their 2 millennia diaspora. The Jews were subjected to scaptegoatism in Europe and all over the world which culminated with the Nazi Holocaust earlier there were always Jewish pogroms and Genocide, not dissimilar as the pogroms against Gypsies, Gays, Asians, the Jews were subjected to Russian Pogroms during the 1920s in the Gulags in Siberia under Stalinism. But, the 6 million deaths from the NAZI Holocaust was the culmination of utter race hatred and scapegoatism.

When the Zionists returned to Palestine and created the Zionist State of Israel the United Nations approved and recognised the Jewish State and the Balfour Declaration was manifested not in the creation of the State of Palestine but rather in the creation of the State of Israel.

The two State solution has become an ongoing problem leading to numerous racial and religious conflict that brings us up to speed with the present situation and the claims by the Arabs of stolen land by the Jews. In some context for the past two millennia the Arabs are correct. However, from a Jewish perspective since the Fall of Jerusalem and the 2 millennia Diaspora this argument is ethnohistorically incorrect.

Therefore, the Palestinian problem is in actual fact a European problem created initially by the rise and fall of ancient Empires. As in this instance the rise and fall of the Roman Empire with the destruction of the Israeli State from 97AD and the diaspora of the Jewish people and their two millennia resiliance to persevere the inimical Islamic Arab World of some 2 billion people worldover.

The Two State Solution may have to be the redrawing of the Two State geopolitical and Soveriegn boundaries. For instance, the Gaza Strip is far too small territorially for two million Palestianians to be cramped into. There is either a solution of dividing Israel and Palestine with a larger West Bank to incorporate a larger geographical area to accomodate a larger Palestinian Population or to remove the West Bank and expand the Gaza Strip and Southern Israel into a modern Palestinian State. With a redrawing of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank into one cohesive unitary Soveriegn Palestinian State in Southern Israel, like the ancient Judea, and naming it Arab Palestine, would there be considered a larger and unitary Soveriegn Palestinian State whereby the Palestinians will be able to articulate all their infrastructural resources as a unitary sovereign Nation separate from the Jewish State of Israel and more importantly being able to domestically develop their own labor force and local industries mutually exclusive from the Jews and Israel moving forward.

There are viable and tenable solutions that requires some level headedness and astute Political leaders to resolve the two State solution to the present crisis. At present the Gaza Strip and the West Bank Palestinian State separated by 70 kilometres of Israel in between is a ludicrous situation for a divided Palestinaian State it will enrage the Palestinians to be recruited into Hamas and become lunatic Terrorists on a rampage as has been revealed to the world on October 7th, 2023

Tim Tufuga


1. Eurasia Naval Insight.


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