The nascent rise of the Chinese Blue Water Navy. Video by Military News Update. Tim Tufuga

China will have the most powerful Navy by 2030. Although with only 5 Aircraft Carriers and many Destroyers and litorral ships, China will beomce the preeminent superpower Blue Water Navy and will grow ever more powerful than the waning American Naval power.
Moreover, as the world continues to plummet into regional skirmishes NATO continues to wane in their overstretched commitments worldover.
In the meantime, China remains unscathed by the perpetual degradation of former colonial powers through regional wars, with Ukraine and now Israel, the Middle East will focus on Palestine whilst the USS Gerald Ford attempts to stifle any Palestinaian escalation to include Syria, Egypt and Iran into the the Palestinian Israeli conflict. The gamble taken by the Hamas was to bring forth the global Neo Nazi movement to be enticed into the Anti Zionism and anti Jewish fervour. The recent Ukrainian Neo Nazism has been noticed by the Arab circles especially amongst the Hamas, the Sunni Muslim Brotherhood and former ISIS fighters who have since travelled to join the International Legions in fighting the Russians, the DPR and LPR, all the while waving SS Waffen anti semitic banners, signs and symbols. Global events had viewed the timing of the Hamas insurrection from the Gaza Strip tearing down Israeli constructed fencelines and murdering random Jews from Sderot and Ashkelon, and elsehwere throughout Israeli was become a moral boast for the anti-zionism Neo Nazi global weltgeist.
As noted with the Steven Bannon channel on Rumble when the Hamas attack on Israel had commenced, there were laughter and chatlines by Neo Cons and KKK members rejpicing at the atrocities being committed by the Hamas against the Jews. Of course, the Steven Bannon's fans were excited with the Israeli war not because of their ourage at the Hamas atrocities, far from it, in fact, it was the anti-Zionism and anti semitic White Anglo Saxon Protextants WASPS rejoicing at the carnage at viewing the deaths of Jews along the Israeli streets on his Rumble channel. There was very little sympathy for the Jews being slaughtered by the Palestinaian Hamas fighters.
As says deagged on the violence become more brutal and grotesque with children and babies cadavars becoming mainstreamed, the derisions and excitement turned sore for the WASPS, they realised that the war was very macabre on both sides. Litlle enthisiasm for the culling of the Jews were being read on the Steve Bannon chatlines as I had observed.
Which brings me bakc to the Chinese, a Chinese military observer was killed by the Hezbollah in South Lebanon, and his body was erased from trace until an Indian colleague made a note of his murder at the hands of the Hezbollah. The Chinese UN Observer picture was circulated amongst the Chinese social media platforms and on Quora. The reason for the Lebanese media and official authorities denying the existance of the Chinese official may be attributed to the Hezbollah wanting to exclude the Chinese attention from the Israeli Palestinaian conflict in case the Chinese become upset with one of their Nationals being murdered by a Hezbollah Fedayeen fighter. The Hezbollah would not want to bring the Chinese into the Middle East for any other reason apart from the Belt And Road developmental initiatives and BRICS economic development within the region, and to not invite the Chinese military at all.
Needless to say, the Saudi Arabian Navy and the Chinese military are about to conduct their joint militar exercises in a week or so. However, the current Isreali conflict has postponed this joint military exercise, which draws some suspicians that the US and their Allies might benefit from the 50th anniversary of the Yum Kippur Hamas commemoration event with the attack on Israel and the Music festival crowds celebrating Yom Kippur, only to have the Hamas arrive to spoil the party whilst murdering hundreds taking some hostages in the process.
In the likelihood that China would make an appearance in the Arabian Gulf with their Warships the Chinese were always enroute to participate in the Saudi Arabian adn Chinese naval exercises which America and the West were fearful of and would consider the Hamas attack very timely to cancel this joint military exercise that was scheduled for next week. To damper the Saudi Arabian and Chinese inaugural joint naval exercise one of their Chinese militay observers was mysteriously murdered allegedly by the Hezbollah? How convenient.
However, looking well into the future, as this video clearly illustrates, the Chinese Middle Eastern sphere of influence is expanding and it is indeed making their presence felt within the Middle East, much to the chagrine of the US and their Allies, including Israel.
For the Chinese their interests in the Middle East strictly rests with their BRICS Partners, which are Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia, to the South, and Iran, to the East. China's vested interest in the Middle East with BRICS is visceral and embedded.
The outsider from a BRICS Plus perspective is the USS Gerald Ford Carrier Strike Group, which might soon be sharing the neighbourhood with the Chinese Blue Water Naval Fleet headed by their three Aircraft Carriers in 2023, and by 2030, and expansion to an additional two Chinese Nuclear Aircraft Carriers, even larger than the USS Gerald Ford, with numerous J35s Stealth Fighters and J15s to make life very uncomfortable for both Nimitz Class and the Ford Class Aircraft Carriers by the end of the decade.
In short, China will be the true Superpower if not in the Middle East, certainly within the South East Asian region moving forward. As for America.....their Make America Great Again is the here and now.....It will never be Greater than its zenith today.
In a decade or so....America will be vying to make American Great Again as it was from 1945 till 2025. It will wane into oblivion soon.


1. Military News Update,

2. War room, Rumble


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