
Showing posts from October, 2023

Ukrainian Conflict 18th October 2023 Sitrep Tim Tufuga


Australian Referendum 2023 Crestmead, by Tim Tufuga


The nascent rise of the Chinese Blue Water Navy. Video by Military News Update. Tim Tufuga

China will have the most powerful Navy by 2030. Although with only 5 Aircraft Carriers and many Destroyers and litorral ships, China will beomce the preeminent superpower Blue Water Navy and will grow ever more powerful than the waning American Naval power. Moreover, as the world continues to plummet into regional skirmishes NATO continues to wane in their overstretched commitments worldover. In the meantime, China remains unscathed by the perpetual degradation of former colonial powers through regional wars, with Ukraine and now Israel, the Middle East will focus on Palestine whilst the USS Gerald Ford attempts to stifle any Palestinaian escalation to include Syria, Egypt and Iran into the the Palestinian Israeli conflict. The gamble taken by the Hamas was to bring forth the global Neo Nazi movement to be enticed into the Anti Zionism and anti Jewish fervour. The recent Ukrainian Neo Nazism has been noticed by the Arab circles especially amongst the Hamas, the Sunni Muslim Brotherhood...

the Samoan Way of War | A Brief Description of Warfare in Samoa The Malietoa Talavou perspective.

This is the general battle order for the Samoans back in the day. The Samoan War party. I am a descendant of the Maota O Pouesi, or the descendants of Malietoa Talavou, Talavou was the Military commander of the Malietoa Forces from Savaii and Manono who led skirmishes throughout Aana and Atua Villagees from the sea. We had conquered the Aana and the Atua Warriors during the taua o le Fa'atasiga from 1830 and the intermittent battles in consolidating the Sa Malietoa tutelage rule over the entire Samoan Islands. Malietoa would consolidate the Tafaifa Title after conquering Atua and Aana and later still would launch raids onto Manu'a and Tutuila in the usurpation of the Tui Manu'a Chieftains. Overall, the Maota O Pouesi would in turn resort to a family feud after the brother of Vainuupo ascended the Tafaifa upon the passing of Malietoa Vainuupo. When Malietoa Gatuitasina (brother of Vainuupo) passed away, Moli or the Maota O Poutoa ascended and became the Malietoa whereas the ...