America and Western Societies look at the speck in the eye of others and not the Plank in theirs. Tim Tufuga, September 26th, 2023.

 The US Government are supplying further military support for Ukraine. Domestically, the American National Debt ceiling was raised in order for Congress to fund the Ukrainian War. The American National Debt is now $33TrillionUSD, it is a complete blowout which is most likely going to reverberate throughout the Western World economies and will adversely affect the world economic system when America has to default their National Debt and the whole world has to save America from their STUPID Political decisionmakers in Congress.

Chinese Foreign Affairs Report on American Drugs problem

In the meantime, BRICS Nations are protecting themselves by isolating themselves from the American economic debt default with the American Govenrment generating more debt bonds for their Western Allies to share the American Debt burden. China who once held $13trillion of America's debt bonds has sold almost all their debt bonds and are in the process of getting rid of their American Debt bonds as China continues to decouple their relationship with America and the Western World through BRICS Plus and the creation of the BRICS Plus mutually exclusive economic world order.

The de dollarisation of the BRICS Plus economic trading system via their own digital currency which will be announced on January 1st, 2024 when BRICS Plus will officially increase to 11 Nations will almost certainly pave a way towards creating a New Economic trading system, via the New Development Bank, will insulate BRICS Plus Nations from the imminent collapse of the American Dollar and the Bretton Woods System when the American Economy is unable to sustain themselves and being bolstered by the G7 and G20 Economies.

In the meantime, whilst American Hegemonic influence has been dictating terms at the UNSC and checking the speck in the eyes of all other Nations of the world, the BRICS Plus Nations have now pointly decided to not to turn the other cheek in the judgement of American and their NATO Allies under the auspices of the International Criminal Court at the Hague which has served as the instrument of biassed EU and American judicial settlements of late, the Russians and Chinese have now conducted some of their own American Cultural profiling of their own. What the Chinese and the Russians have discovered is the huge PLANK in the American Social degradation and uncontrollable social decay which is can not be swept under the carpet by the US Congress.

From the Zombie like Junkies and the growing tent Cities throughout American Cities and America having 80% of the word's drugs problem to the gun violence and racial hate crimes perpetuated by Police Officers moreso than unlawful gangs, to the Black Lives Matter and the Me Too Movements, to the perpetual rise of Neo Nazism mainstreaming by Western Govenrments culminating with the MAGA led January 6th, 2021, attempted Coup d'etat, in which Ukrainian Soldiers mingled in with the Proud Boys and former American Neo Nazi Mercenaries who served in the Ukrainian War and were part of the Euromaiden revolution of 2014 as ell as the perpetutraters for the J6 insurrection at the Capitol Hill, reveals how easily manipulated the American MAGA and alt right Neo Nazis are by the Neo Nazis global network. Then finally we see the American National Debt and how the BRICS Plus Nations are bailing ship from the US Dollar system in avoiding the imminent collapse of the American economic system in the near future.

In the meantime, America chooses to default in scapegoatism and like the Jews of World War Two, the default scpaegoatism today for America is RUSSIA and CHINA. Russia and China are well aware of this and have now chosen to do some of their own navel gazing of their own and seeing that the problem wasnt from within but was from those who were claiming the speck in the eyes of the Russians and Chinese were avoiding the Planks in their own eyes.

The Chinese Govenrment has decided to point out the PLANK that is glaringly obvious in the Wesrtern World's leader and it is very glaringly plain to see.

Tim Brian Tufuga Tim Tufuga






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