Sexcretary of Defense Austin III meets with the Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea before AUSMIN Meeting in Australia, July 2023. Tim Tufuga

Secretary of Defense, General Austin III, has visited PNG for the first time, in what can be accurately be described as the most Poweful Indigenous military presence in the South Pacific, the Papua New Guinea Armed Forces, second is Fiji, followed by the Royal Tongan Armed Forces. (DOD) Demilitarised by the British Empire are the Solomon Islands and Samoa who do not have military forces. Talisman Saber illustrates the Indo Pacific Nations within the Indo Pacific Military Alliance. Absent from this group are Samoa and the Solomon Islands. Again, as part of the German Colonial legacy except Papua New Guinea and their German Colonial Past, Samoa and the Solomon Islands were permanently demilitarised after the invasions of the Pacific German Colonies. As the most powerful Pacific Island Nation, Australia often distances themselves from Pacific Island Military Matters and would rather talk with the US and Britsh military partners with AUKUS in ensuring Australian National Security Security....