ATOA SAMOA EXECUTIVE MEETING –PRESS CONFERENCE. Avoiding a China and Taiwan, or a North Korea and South Korea Schism. Samoan way. Tim Tufuga

Samoa was divided under the Berlin Tripartite Convention ratified on the 2nd December, 1899. The Tripartite Convention was made effective on the 16th February, 1900. 

On the 16th February, 1900, American Samoa was officially an Territory of the United States of America. Tension had arisen when the three powers, Germany, America and Britain were fighting over the control of the Samoan Islands. The decision was decided with Britain surrendering their claims for Samoa with claiming part of German African Colonies and their claims of the Solomon Islands. 

The last Tafaifa of all of Samoa, was my fifth Great Grandfather, Malietoa Talavou, from le Maota O Pouesi, or the House of Pouesi, whom had passed away on 9th November, 1880. Upon his passing there was a power vacuum that resulted in the contestations amongst the competing factions for the Tamaoaiga tutelage and in this to inherit the Tafaifa. Amongst the competing contenders was Malietoa Laupepa, the nephew of Malietoa Talavou, from the Maota O Poutoa, or the House of Poutoa.  The House of Poutoa Malietoa linerage would inherit the Malietoa tutelage wresting it from my ancestral heritage, from the Maota O Pouesi. Malietoa Laupepa's son Malietoa Tanumafili the first would then become Malietoa, and upon his passing Malietoa Tanumafili le lua, born on January 4th, 1904 would be the last Malietoa as the Head of State of Samoa when he passed away in 2007. 
(Geni: Genealogy Tim Brian Tufuga)

Needless to say, it was my Fifth Great Grandfather whom was the last Tafaifa to have ruled Samoa Atoa, or All of Samoa as part of the Samoan Kingdom under his tutelage. 

Tim Tufuga



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