BRICS+ | FIJI country, CAMBODIA, & 11 more in China's BRICS+ Samoa ignores BRICS. Tim Tufuga

Fiji is the first Pacific Island Nation considering joining BRICS.
It appears that the Samoans are now British Sycophants.
Im a Samoan and obviously Im not a fan of the Samoan Govenrment and the Samoan Nation at all. Lets just say that Im pro BRICS and pro Russian and China. Why bite the hand that feeds you. For me it is simply a matter of jealousy of Russia and China by the Western Nations and especially by America and Europe.
Forntunately, Australia, New Zealand and now Fiji are open minded and are considering their economic future as well as regional economic and harmonious relations for the next century, long after we're gone, the next century will ensure the security of the region of the Asia Pacific region that is cohesive and secure without Europe and North American Colonial arrogant rule.


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